
Jun 1~2, 2018

 We hosted 'fMRI analysis using SPM12 Workshop' at PNU on June 1~ 2, 2018
 The workshop focused on fMRI research methods, which included lectures from Professor Sul and her students, Minhee Yoo and Junho Bang, and exercises based on actual data. Participants were comprised of professors and students from various universities, including Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and Duksung Women University. Participants' majors also were very diverse; psychiatry, sociology, and etc. 
 After the first day of workshop, everybody got together for a dinner and discussed about not only fMRI analysis, but also about various topics including new research ideas and cowork opportunities. 

 The workshop was very productive, both formal and informal wise. And we hope to be a part of workshops that we are given an opportunity to participate! (Especially when it is about a brain imaging techniques!).


Professor Sul is giving a lecture on fMRI.


Participants are practicing SPM12 using actual fMRI data.